What is the Best Time of Year to Remove Trees?

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Winter is the season where we can experience high winds and strong storms, causing many trees to come crashing down. This is a serious threat, and we want to avoid this from happening at all costs. Prevention is better than the cure, as it’s commonly said, and removing potentially hazardous trees during autumn is the best way to eliminate the threat before stormy season hits.

How Do You Know When Your Tree Needs To Be Removed?

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A dead tree is better off being removed than left standing. There are a couple of signs that your tree is dying or dead, including branches with no leaves on them, strange colouring and stunted growth. Trees in this category may need removing by a professional arborist, although the tree may be able to be saved, so just make sure you get an expert’s opinion.

15 Signs of When to Remove a Tree

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A dying tree is always a hazard and an eyesore. The leaves aren’t growing back and it would be better to put it out of its misery by removing it. A completely dead tree is basically a waste of space. It’s not breathing any oxygen back into the air, so it’s time for it to be removed. A tree that has a significant lean is always concerning, especially if it leans in the direction of your house.